Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Progress, Difficulties, and Ladder Lock!

Despite my lack of posting over the last two weeks (ugh!), I have made some definite progress towards my goals.

On the casting front, I was able to get a CSL account and now have the ability to post videos on their website! (You only need a student email account if you want to actually play on a school team.) I also got permission to use the CSL logo in my casts as long as I give them and their sponsors a shoutout. I've noticed some casters actually putting the logos of the sponsors in the video - so that may be an option also.

On the hardware side, I finally installed a 100% legit copy of Windows 7 on my new PC and also installed some new RAM. I initially had some trouble with the new RAM working with the existing RAM, so I had to remove the old RAM to make things happy. With being busy with other things at night, that whole trial-and-error experimentation process took much longer than I wanted it to! I'll post some pictures later - my daughter helped me with the final install :)

So all that's left is for me to work on some intro graphics/tools and I'll be ready to start casting CSL games regularly!

On the weight loss side, as of this morning, I've lost 4.6 pounds since I set my goals - thanks to a few sessions with Jillian Michaels (30-day shred), but mostly due to eating lighter in the evenings. Which is great because...

The end of Season 4 is in one week! The ladder is being locked this Tuesday morning - so I highly expect to stay in Silver league - and the season ends a week later on Dec 20 when they do their weekly maintenance Tuesday morning. I've only played 8 games, so I'd have to play 22 games in 8 days to reach my goal of 30 games for the season.

I think it'll be tight - especially if Battle.net keeps having me play Zerg - those games always seem to last forever!

There's so much more I want to post about, so hopefully I can post more often this next week!

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