Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Monday, December 19, 2011

4 Down and a Nice Guy

After helping my wife with Christmas cards/letters (while watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey) - I sat down around 11pm (I think?) and played 4 ladder games.

Tonight wasn't all mirror matches - which is nice. I lost the first 3 games, TvP, ZvT, TvP - some of them long - I was sure I had that ZvT, but apparently he had a secret base I knew nothing about!

Not sure if the wine I was drinking had anything to do with my play - thanks to CmdrTallon and his family for the super fun dinner and the Relax Riesling - I'm not a big wine guy, but it was very yummy - I feel so chill now :)

The final game was a PvP, which I won :) I seem to be losing 3 games then winning 1 game lately. He had just bought SC2 last week, so that was a bummer - no fun to stomp new guys. But we ended up playing a 1v1 custom game (best of 3, right?), which I won - and then a few 2v2's - we lost both times resoundingly. Apparently we're both terrible at this game ;-)

I must say though, 2v2 is quite different than 1v1! The maps, the army sizes, etc.

It will be interesting to see if I see this player online in the future - making new friends via SC2 is always fun!

So only 12 more games to reach my goal of 30 games in Season 4! I only have one morning (assuming I can get up early which is doubtful) and one evening to play. It'll be close!

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