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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Interesting Graphs of High-Level Balance

Last week I saw this really interesting post on TeamLiquid. As you may (or may not) know, TeamLiquid is one of the most well-known community hubs for SC2 (and SC1) players. (But watch out, their forums are known for not being necessarily casual friendly ;-)

But getting back to the post - it's a set of graphs showing the win rates for each race and each match-up. But these graphs only include high-level tournaments, cups, and leagues - so the idea is that they represent the competitive scene (outside the Blizzard online ladder which has a large amount of casual players).

I was surprised to see Terrans having a lower win rate overall, and that some of the match ups were so lop-sided. Protoss has recently become dominant over Terran - not sure if that's a fluke in November or if the Terrans have just not adjusted to the recent nerf to EMP radius. Zerg vs Terran is at least kind of getting even.

The puzzling one for me is Zerg vs. Protoss. According to the colors, it looks like Zerg has been dominant since last April - but I'm wondering if the colors are just backwards? I've heard many times that the match-up is so much in the favor of Protoss that some Protoss players don't even bother practicing vs. Zerg when preparing for tournaments... but perhaps that wisdom is outdated?

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