Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Season 4 Goal Results

As eager as I am to start playing in the next season, it's time to review my goals for Season 4!

Since Blizzard changed their seasons to last only 2 months and I started a bit late, I only had about 5.5 weeks during this season (November 11 - December 19).

1. Play 30 ladder games - that's 5 games a week.

  • I played 26 games, so that's pretty close (86%).
  • Though I suppose since I only had 5.5 weeks, perhaps a goal of 27 games would've been more accurate - in which case I was  96%!
  • I didn't play regularly though, which was my main intention. 18 of the games were played in the last week of the season. Regardless, I still think 5 games a week is reasonable.

2. Blog/cast more regularly - shorter posts - maybe 1 cast a week?

  • My intention was to post 4 times a week = 22 posts. I did 9 (40%).
  • Often this season I'd want to post about my progress, but the longer I'd wait to post, the more there was to post about and then POW! a monster post! I've been trying in the last week to post regularly - even if I have 20 things to say, just post about one - and have enjoyed it a lot :)

  • The goal was about 5 casts and I did 1 (20%).
  • For my YouTube subscribers this is a real shame (especially since I haven't messaged them about my new channel!). I can only cast in the mornings, so the key here is my sleep/waking schedule - and the key to that is going to bed earlier!

4. I'd really like to play through the single-player of Modern Warfare 1, 2, and now 3.

I'll skip to this one - save the best for last!
  • I actually didn't play ANY single-player of any Modern Warfare games - so 0%. Though I did play a few rounds of multi-player and some Spec Ops in Modern Warfare 3 - which is really fun!
  • Back in early November, I was overly optimistic about getting up early for SC2 and then playing console games some in the evening. But there's only so much time in a day - and only so much energy! "Not enough energy." ;)

3. Let's try to lose 5 lbs. That's less than 1 lb a week.

  • And the big success of Season 4? I started at XX8.6 pounds, and on the morning of December 20 I was XX3.6 pounds - 100%!
  • So I made my goal and weighed the lowest I've ever been all year (I was last XX3.6 on March 19).
  • Course I won't say how much I've gained back in the last two days since the holiday foods/eating out has started ;)

All in all a good season! I didn't make most of my goals, but there was some over-optimism going on back in early November. I'm very excited to start Season 5 though, and to continue the momentum I've had over the last week!

And of course, I'm very excited to get some time off work, spend time with extended family, eat lots of yummy food, and of course, give/receive some presents - celebrating Jesus' birth is BIG fun!

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