Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Back vs Bronze!

I played for about an hour Thursday night and got in 4 games - all of my opponents were slightly favored. And to my great surprise, all 4 games were mirror match-ups - ZvZ, PvP, TvT, TvT. I lost the first 3 with a glorious finale (for my opponent).
Time: 34:01 No, these are not my battlecruisers.

Time: 34:11 About 7 seconds later in real time - battlecruisers in large numbers are terrible!

Time: 34:12 This was just a pretty picture :)

Time: 34:29 GG! From the mini-map, you can see that he's on 4 bases - I was on my third, but he had cleaned up my first and second. By maybe 8-9 minutes into the game, he had killed a few SCVs with Banshees and had expanded before me. He had been at a serious economic advantage for most the game - thus, the battlecruiser finale!

That game was versus a Bronze league player - so I was hoping that I had lost enough games (6 in a row) to get the matching-making system to realize I was in upper Bronze rather than mid-Silver. My next opponent was in Bronze league - and the game was quite close, as you'll see.

Time: 8:19 This is probably the crucial moment of the game - both of our armies are passing right by each other outside his base (I'm blue). Neither of them can see each other. I think his is stronger - we both have Stimpack (fire 30% faster for 10 HP), I have +1 armor and he has Combat Shield (Marines +10 HP).

Time: 8:41 This was a glorious moment, I stimmed the Marines, and ran them up the ramp - CHARGE! I had no idea that he had such a large army - thankfully his army was at the Xel'Naga tower (as you can see on the mini-map). And he had also just started on his second Command Center - so had not used that money to build SCVs or army units.

Time: 9:13 He had two options - go back to his base or go to mine and try to win a base race. He chose the latter. By the time he arrived, I had a small force waiting - and lots of SCVs to repair my wall.

Time: 9:13 Unfortunately for him - by this time, I had killed 22 workers and was going to start focusing on his Command Centers. That's the price of deciding to counter-attack from half-way across the map when your opponent is already breaking down the front door.

Time: 10:40 With all but 2 of my Marines dead in his base, all he has is one Barracks and a bunch of Supply Depots.

Time: 10:40 And in my base, he has broken through the wall and is making his way to the mineral line. But all my Barracks are still running, with the +1 attack upgrade is almost finished. Within moments, he'll lose his army advantage.

Time: 12:06 I've cleaned up his units in my base, and his comment says it all.

Time: 12:17 And with that, he sends his last units (he was out of minerals) for a final push. By the time he arrives, I have enough upgraded units to hold him off. GG!

As he was slightly favored, I got 32 points for that win - making up for about 4 of my previous losses. I'm at rank 65 in my division with 54 rank points. And these 4 games brings me up to 14, which is just about half-way to my goal of 30! I only have a few more opportunities to play - so it's gonna be close!

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