Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Season 5 Goals - Results

No season would be complete without a look at how I fared against my season goals!

My Season 5 Goals post was my last post in 2011, and I didn't play much SC2 or blog or cast until well into the new year - so I'm not too hopeful that I reached many of my goals...

(As I predicted, Season 5 ended on February 13th, so the length of the season was indeed 8 weeks. I think this will be standard from here on out.)

1. Play 40 ladder games (5 per week)

I only played 22 games this season - and I don't think I ever hit 5 games a week, even in my busiest weeks. But, as far as consistency, I did much better. Last season I think over half of my games were in the last two days of the season - whereas these games were spread out fairly evenly over maybe 5-6 weeks.

I'd like to improve in this area, but given my schedule lately, I don't think I can play, review and cast more than a few games a week.

2. Lose 5 lbs from the beginning of Season 5 (XX3.6 lbs).

My weight on Feb 14 was xx3.2 lbs., so basically no progress there (hehe, no I didn't lose some multiple of 10 lbs ;-) I think over the holidays I gained 4 lbs, so I suppose getting back to pre-holiday weight is good. But as you'll see in my next goals post, this area needs a serious reboot...

3. Blog more regularly - 24 posts (3 per week)

If you count all posts up until the season retrospective, I did 24 posts, 12 in January and 12 in February. If you only count up until Feb 14, it's 22. So either way, that's pretty good.

Once I started posting in January, I was posting almost every day - which was much more than I had originally hoped for! Most of the posts were video-related, which rolls nicely into the next goal...

4. Cast more often - 8 games (1 per week)

This is the one goal I actually excelled at! I casted 24 videos, casting about 77% of my games played (17 games).

Back in my goals post, I said success would hinge on my ability to get up early - back then I was casting in our family room. A lot has changed since then - with my new casting desk in the basement, casting has become much more convenient.

I also mentioned that "letting go of perfectionist tendencies" would be key. And I was right! This season I went for a more casual feel, casting games live and casting replays in a personal review sort of style. I think this is more in line with my original idea for the blog and casting - turning my normal SC2 activities into content.

Although I still wish to do more produced content - for the CSL, showmatches with other players and casters, etc. - I think the personal, intelligent, yet novice-level analysis is something different that I can bring to the scene. That and family-friendly content - that is a rarity online for sure!

Whew, only one more post to do before I start Season 6 - goals!


  1. I like the idea of setting goals for seasons, so far the only seasonal goals I have set is leagues, such as be masters by season 8 (most of them are, to put it simply, unreasonable). I think that from now on, I will look more carefully at how and when I play, and set some constructive goals for the future!

    1. That sounds like a great idea. With the seasons being about 2 months (8 weeks), having goals per season gives you a nice mid-term sort of goal - not too long, not too short. Having goals that are specific, attainable, and measurable can be a great way to keep motivated too - especially for a skill-based hobby. I look forward to seeing your goals on your blog :)


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