Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Xel'Naga Surprise

Last night, I played quite possibly my last 1v1 ladder game on the classic map, Xel'Naga Caverns. This map has been in the ladder pool since beta, so SC2 players (those with the beta at least) have been playing on this map for 2 years!

I was excited to have a chance to play on this map - I rarely saw it this season - I suspect most players are vetoing it.

And I was matched against a Zerg, another rare occurrence for me this season. So I was excited to get into the game.

So yeah. Perhaps this explains why this map gets vetoed a lot and is being replaced in Season 6!

Although I'm quite far from my original goal of playing 40 games this season (I'm at 21 now), I look forward to playing my last games in Season 5 tonight!

Right now, I'm rank 24 in my division - which is already more than I expected at the beginning of the season, when I was demoted back down into Bronze League. I hope to cast a few of the games live - at least my last game of the evening - so it'll be a fun time :)


  1. I like how you weren't going to build a wall, then it turns out you won because of the wall!

    1. Funny how things turn out - I feel like putting down a 2nd supply depot to wall off seems a bit overzealous. Though one might say a 2nd barracks is overkill as well...

      6 zerglings that fast can be trouble in the base - though with all my SCVs (13) and the one marine, I probably could have held them off, even with the additional drones he brought.

  2. Ahh, your commentaries really bring me back to when I got the game 1.5 years ago and I was in bronze league as well! For example, in your game a few days ago you remarked that 'His income is pretty high right now' while he was mining off of 2 bases, and you'll find that in higher leagues, high income is equivalent to 3 or more mining bases!

    1. I was in Silver for Season 2 thru 4 - and yes, almost every game went to 3 or 4 bases. Most of my games in Season 5 have had external time limits on them, so focusing on that 1-base economy is all there's time for. Many of my games have been won on that first push surprisingly. Upper Bronze players on up seem to realize that if you can barely survive that first push, but expand - you win in the long run.


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