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Friday, February 17, 2012

BYOB: You're Full of Surprises

Since my final Terran ladder game on Monday, I've been pondering some aspects of that game - particularly the progression of the handful of army engagements.

Despite it being very late last night, I really wanted to get this review done and uploaded - one more step towards finishing out Season 5 and moving on to Season 6. Well, that and my wife had just started another episode of The Office, and I was waiting for laundry to finish - so I had some time :)

So some interesting things to keep in mind when I start playing against Terrans as Protoss next season! Now for a few retrospective posts and a goals post for Season 6!


  1. Had a longer comment written up, but my RRS feed reader ate it...

    Anyway, I'll sum up. I know you have external timings, but queue up units as you engage the enemy. I am terrible at this as well, but find that it helps me (against AI) to make that extra push. I think you could have made it into his expansion if you would have reinforced as you engaged. ;)

    Also, as you engaged, could have expanded to match income. I know, I know, its easy to say and another item I find myself working on as I prepare to play the ladder this season. I see it because I am trying to figure it out for myself.

    1. Great advice on both counts!

      I don't know if you caught it during my live cast, but when I was preparing for that first push, not only did I queue units - I rallied them to units I was sending, so the reinforcements would automatically move out to the main force.

      But... before I did the move out, I changed the rally points back to being inside my base and raised my supply depots. The reason? I saw that he hit both Xel'Naga towers - and was worried his force might hit my base when I was out.

      Of course, that's silly if this is an all-in attack - in fact, if this was an all-in, I should've taken all my SCVs with me - and I would want him to try to hit my base - with the lift-off ability, a base trade is in my favor!

      And I doubt I mentioned it in either cast - but after my first engagement where the Protoss backed off and especially after I killed that Immortal trying to retreat, I was thinking - if I didn't have to end the game here, I would retreat and expand.

      Sounds like your Silver league experiences are molding your thinking ;)


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