But between catching up with housework in the evenings and preparing for a Dance Central 2 showdown with CmdrTallon's wife on Saturday Feb 25, time and energy have been short for SC2.
But we are here at last, and let me tell you, the gauntlet has been thrown!
Last weekend, I read a quote from an entrepreneur in Inc. magazine that "If you have more than 3 priorities, you have no priorities."
Given my limited time/energy, and that gauntlet I mentioned earlier, I felt this saying (which I've heard before I think) was quite relevant. So here we go!
(Note: There are about 5.5 weeks left in the season, so I calibrated my goals to that timeframe.)
1. Exercise for 30 min 6 times a week = 16.5 hours
- The gauntlet was thrown by my family doctor, who instructed me on Feb 17 that if my cholesterol doesn't improve, she's going to send me to a nutritionist. Disregarding that in our current state of healthcare in the US, my doctor can't force me to do anything, I took this as my gauntlet (or her gauntlet I guess). Of course, I'll need to focus on my diet as well - but this part is more fun ;-)
2. Do a produced sportscast-style cast once a week = 6 casts
- For many months, I've wanted to do sportscast-style casts with some more production values. Last season I opted to do a casual review style for my ladder games. Although I think was a great choice in regards to content I want regularly on my YouTube channel and blog, it gave little time towards those more involved posts. I have several showmatches lined up between myself and others, and would like to do this style for those casts - not to mention CSL casts (whose season is starting to draw to a close!).
3. Blog once a week = 6 posts
- Although I enjoy casting, it can lead to an absence of non-video blog posts, where I can talk about my life "around" SC2 - the thoughts and experiences that take place outside an actual game session. I think is the strength of the blog format, and hope to put just a bit of focus on it this season.
So there you go, 3 priorities. And I do hope to do some ladder/learning casting this season. But I felt that train/habit was well on it's way last season, and these 3 areas needed focusing - after all...
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