Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Top 25 Here I Come!

After my last post, I was very excited to post more often and of course, play more often - and over the last week accomplished one of those... you can probably guess which one!

Part of that was due to my desire to do more casting (thanks Brock for the encouragement!) - and so kept waiting for a good game that was short enough that I wouldn't have to break it into 2 parts (due to the YouTube 15 min limit).  Funny, that never happened.

So here's a cast of my most recent game - done in a more "play-by-play commentary" style than "retrospective analysis" style.  I tried casting in the third person, as if I wasn't one of the players.  It was really fun!  My wife told me when I started casting that I should really ham it up - she thinks it's cute when I do that - so here's a bit of ham and me creeping a little more out of my shell!

Listening to the cast afterwards, it was funny to hear how many mistakes I made or times I corrected myself, but was right the first time!

So now my standing is Rank 30 in my division - with only tonight and tomorrow left in the season!

As you can see from the screenshot above, I'll need 80 rank points to beat the current rank 25 player in my division.  With my record (8 wins, 4 losses) and the amount of points I'm getting per win or loss, I figure I need to play 6 games before Tuesday morning.

Of course, the player currently ranked 26 is active and has played a bunch of games recently, so I think he's shooting for the same spot I am!

Do you think I have what it takes to make it into the top 25?

Update 11/1/2011: I updated the video to point to my new YouTube channel.

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