Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

First Game in Silver League

Two days ago (July 14) was a day of many firsts for this Starcraft dad!
  • My son turned 9 months old for the first (and only) time - and is as big as his sister who is almost 2 years and 2 months old!
  • In the evening, I started a 30-day workout series - 20-minutes a day with Jillian Michaels! (my wife is doing the same series)
  • And to kick off the day - I played my first 1v1 game in Silver league!

It was somewhat of a re-match of my qualifier game (which I lost due to an early Roach attack).

I played on the same map, against the same race (Zerg), and in the same starting position as in my qualifier. My opponent even started with a similar Roach attack. I also found out afterwards that my opponent was once again a Bronze player at the top of his division (last time he was Rank 1? and this time I think he was Rank 4).

But as you can see in this videocast I did the next morning - the result was not the same!

(YouTube has a 15 minute cap in videos for regular accounts, so I had to split it up. BTW, I updated the embedded code so fullscreen is available from the embedded player AND higher resolutions are available when you go fullscreen!)
Update 11/1/2011: I updated the video to point at my new YouTube channel - it no longer has to be split into two videos.

And with that comeback, I advance to rank 63 in my division!

And celebrate my 100th league win!

So my current standing is:
Division Rank 63
30 points
Bonus Pool 1246

After my qualifier back in May, I was:
Division Rank 84
0 points
Bonus Pool 780

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