Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A New Season

The first season of the official online ladder (hosted by the developer, Blizzard) ended this last March, and before I realized it (literally), the second season of the official ladder began.

As the first season was wrapping up, I had this idea that it would be cool if the launch of this blog coincided with my start in the second season. Cool idea, huh? (my daughter loves saying "huh?")

Alas, I was so wishy-washy with getting this blog started, that I didn't play my first game until two and half months later - the day after my 32nd birthday. (And yes, at the time I thought it would be cool to also launch the blog right after my birthday...)  It then took me another month to sit down, get over the perfectionist in me, and actually record a commentary of that game!  But it's done!

So for my first blog post, I am happy to announce not only my return to the world of competitive StarCraft 2, but also my entrance into the world of videocasting! (Don't worry, I'm keeping my day job - this is definitely an example of amateur enthusiasm!)

If you click on the video after it starts playing, you can watch it in full 720p on YouTube. This video is also available on my YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/gosudad

Oddly enough, despite my complete domination in this first game (and yes, you can read that phrase in two different ways), I was placed in the SILVER league!

This was a huge surprise to me, as my entire career in the first season had been spent in the Bronze league. Not quite sure how the Battle.Net ranking system decided my placement - but there was talk that Blizzard recently fixed a bug in the ranking system that was preventing people from promoting, so perhaps that's what happened here. Nonetheless, I was quite pleased :-)

Update 11/1/2011: I updated the video to link to my new YouTube channel.


  1. Your confusion over how you were placed is common. Scott and I have a theory that the league placement is based off of metrics other than the win/loss ratio. For instance, you quickly built multiple barracks, teched up, snd your APM was probably decent.
    So, despite the quick loss, your play metrics were probably plenty good for ranking into silver.

    Also, good to see you playing, and I hope to catch you online.

  2. Cool blog Quan! I like to see how old friends are doing. It's good to see that you are active in the gaming world while having RL commitments. Now I know it's possible.

  3. @Unknown - Thanks for your comment! I look forward to catching you online too! (especially if you are who I think you are)

    Regarding how I was placed in silver, I do have a theory myself - but I didn't want to get into how the ladder works to explain it. That first post was already more than bite-sized ;-)

    Your comment has confirmed my thoughts that posting what I know about the game might be interesting to readers - especially since my initial audience is friends/family - most of whom don't know anything about SC2. And even those that play SC2 multiplayer may not have heard/learned the same things I have.

  4. @Eddie - Thanks Eddie! As you can see from my profile description and the time it's taken me to reply to your comment, finding time to game or produce gaming-related content can be a challenge.

    The perfectionist in me also adds to the challenge! Still haven't played any or posted any since last week!


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