I had a great Christmas break with my family and friends - lots of fun get-togethers, wonderful presents, yummy food, and of course, long-awaited home improvement projects! (pictures on our family blog at some point...)
Since that marathon of goodness, I've had two weeks to recover from the cold that hit our family, attempt to reset the sleep schedule, watch a British Victorian drama with my wife, and yes, put together more IKEA furniture and reorganize our basement - but with a very SC2-related result: a place to cast SC2 games in the evening! (pictures on this blog later...)
So last night I kicked off my StarCraft 2 year with a cast of my Season 5 1v1 qualifier, which I had played on Dec 23, just before Christmas.
As mentioned in the cast, the result was my placement back down into Bronze League!
It may surprise you, but I was actually relieved! Not because I wanted to crush some noobs, but because I've been thinking that it'd be good for me to return to the basics of SC2 play - and it works well with my planned reboot of StarClass...
I hope your Christmas time was great and you've done well in Season 5 so far! And if you haven't qualified yet, well, get playing and I'll see you online!
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