Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

TvZ Live: Distracted by BYOB

After getting some positive feedback for my last live cast bundled with a replay review (Thanks Brock!), I decided to try it again last night.

This time I was matched against a Zerg (who turned out to be in Silver league!) and so got to try the 1-1-1 build (which I now like to call BYOB, Bring Your Own Banshee :-) against a new race!

The moral of the story - at least from my perspective - is clear: don't lose focus on that 2nd tier of Budha's Starcraft Pyramid - production.

In addition, the total video ended up being longer than I'd like. The encoding time kept me up late last night, and it took until 11am or so the next day to finish uploading!

So next time, if the game is long enough, I'll break it up into two videos so I can go to bed on time - and the Internet won't be bogged down in the morning - I'm sure my wife will appreciate both :)


  1. Nice video to watch over lunch. Too bad it clobbered your time and bandwidth to do it... :S

    I was wondering why you didn't start producing Thors or build another Factory once you saw the Mutalisks? Also, trying to remember (because I watched the first half earlier than the replay review) if you kept training marines through the game.

    Neat match, definitely looking forward to more of the BYOB build and your climb up the SC2 pyramid. (I've been practicing some of the Macro and Production concepts myself)

    1. Thanks! Getting a handle on the time management is a learning process, especially with new routines. Last night went much better :)

      I didn't have gas at the natural expansion at first - so I couldn't support another factory - at least one producing tanks/thors. Off of 2 gas geysers, you only get around 250 gas/minute. But yeah, cutting one tank to build a factory would've been a good idea - especially since I had plenty of gas later on.

      I kept making marines with my 3 barracks. But I had enough minerals in the bank and mineral income to build 5+ (7?) continually running barracks. Or build a ton of missile turrets. Either one would've helped against the mutas!

      To my opponent's credit, he/she kept me on tilt ever since I lost the first push - somewhere in there, that was the tipping point. Keeping your confidence is key to staying focused!


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