Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

First TvP with BYOB

Last night (Tuesday) I got to play a bunch of SC2. First, I played 3 games of 2-player co-op w/ CmdrTallon (my wife was watching Hoarders and then Cake Boss in the background!).

After midnight, while waiting for some laundry, I played a quick 1v1 on the ladder. This time, BYOB flexes its muscles against a Protoss player - and of course, there has to be an external timing, and this time I keep to it!

Despite his Gold league status, I later learned that my opponent was new to the game (or at least his account was), he had only won 7 league games. It's possible this was one of his qualifier games.

Regardless, I'm interested in doing a review - you can learn things even from a simple game.


  1. Nice! Should move out faster on your "Cutoff at 16 minute" games. ;)

    1. I only missed it by 8 seconds! I suppose I should specify whether "cutoff" means I'll gg at 16 mins or hit their base with an all-in at 16 mins - in this case, the later.
      I think next time I'll try moving out as soon as I have 2 tanks to put pressure on, and have stuff rally to that first group. I don't like sitting back for most the game and then doing a mass exodus.


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