Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Monday, November 7, 2011

StarcraftDad's Last Cast

After several attempts, I finally recorded my last cast as StarcraftDad last Saturday morning!

Isaac slept in, and I was able to whip together a summary screen. While he munched on breakfast, I put the video together in PowerDirector - he was very curious about what was happening on the TV! Between a family trip out to a big shopping mall and naptime when we got home, the video was uploaded to both my old channel and my new channel.

This is also my first cast on the new computer! I highly recommend watching it in fullscreen in glorious 1080p!

So there you go, the end of an era! (and for me, the end of a saga - it seemed like I would never get a satisfactory final cast done!)

There are still a few things to do to close down my old channel - turn off the comments and message people who have commented or subscribed - but this was a big milestone :)

So next on the SC2 plate is a Season 3 retro - and finally, I can start playing in Season 4! With the seasons only lasting 2 months now, I really need to wrap up the season finale promptly so I don't completely miss out on the next season!

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