Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Season 4: Goals

Well, it's that time - time to review the goals of last season and make new ones for Season 4!

Season 3

I had 4 goals: play more SC2, blog more often, continue to cast, and start StarClass - and I accomplished all of them!

I played 64 1v1 ladder games compared to 26 in Season 2.
I posted on average 2 times a week over 12 weeks compared to about once a week during Season 2.
I casted 5 games compared to 4 games in Season 2.
And I started StarClass with 7 casts.

Outside SC2
I wanted to exercise and lose weight, read more to the kids, watch more movies with my wife, and play more PS3/XB360 - I accomplished 2 out of 4 :(

Weight-wise, I'm basically where I was in August - I only formally exercised 6 times and neglected my PS3 and XB360 (course my PS3 wasn't working for some of that time).

I have read more to my daughter - she loves reading books. And now that my little boy's a toddler, I better start reading those Star Wars board books to him :)

My wife and I have had more movie nights thanks to my mother-in-law watching the kids while she was here, and recently, thanks to the Twilight series... and big news, I guess I'm "Team Edward" - a vampire who believes in chastity before marriage is alright in my book.

Season 4

Well, the ladder seasons are only 2 months now - so there's only 6 weeks left in Season 4 - maybe less! And that includes Thanksgiving and Christmas - this is a very busy time of year! So I'll try to keep these goals short:

1. Play 30 ladder games - that's 5 games a week.
2. Blog/cast more regularly - shorter posts - maybe 1 cast a week?
3. Let's try to lose 5 lbs. That's less than 1 lb a week.
4. I'd really like to play through the single-player of Modern Warfare 1, 2, and now 3.

Those seem do-able - very important for goal-setting! (ok, maybe the Call of Duty one might be a stretch...)

Awesome. Now it's time to break open the new copy of Modern Warfare 3 Hardened Edition I've had for 4 days and get on XBox LIVE!

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