Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Changing Channels

Well, here I am again not posting in over a week! I'll attempt a quick post...

Last week, Season 3 of the Blizzard ladder ended, and I put in an evening of ladder games in a last ditch bid for the top 25 of my division. This was complicated by my recent decision to play as Random - which apparently means I play a lot of Zerg and Protoss. I do intend to review that experience in a later post so I won't spoil the ending ;-)

After that, I switched gears into getting my new YouTube channel up and running (www.youtube.com/gosudad).

So now it has a nice theme and background image. I also re-rendered all of my old StarcraftDad videos and added banners and merged 2-part videos into single videos (YouTube decided to lift the 15-minute time limit if you verified your account with your mobile number), uploaded the re-done videos to my new channel, and updated all the blog entries to point to the re-done videos. Whew!

Oddly enough, over the last several weeks, my old channel (www.youtube.com/thestarcraftdad) has gotten a bunch of new subscribers, despite my lack of posting!

So my next task is updating my old channel to direct subscribers to my new channel. Last night I decided that it might be fitting to have the last video on my old channel and as StarcraftDad be my final game of Season 3.

I was hoping to cast that game this morning - but spent too long on false starts. I'm not nearly as time-efficient when there's something specific I want to say in a cast. My hope is to cast that game tomorrow morning - so it should be on my old channel by Friday and on my new channel by Saturday.

I've also done some planning around intro/summary screens for my future casts - and may be writing a little .NET app to automate that and the creation of YouTube title/description/tagging text.

My hope is that all this will result in less effort to produce casts - and I can get back to playing and casting - and blogging ;-)

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