Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Long Games!

(I'll attempt a quick post during a late lunch...)

I've been fairly active since my last post - I attempted at least 3 mornings to cast my 1v1 qualifier to my satisfaction (and succeeded this morning!) and have played 7 ladder games. You can see my updated standing on the side panel.

One thing I've noticed is that the lower-level Silver and upper-level Bronze players that I'm typically matched with are not afraid of long games. Besides the turtling that's common at this level, these players are tough as nails and really stick it out if they think they have a sliver of a chance!

Last night I sat down and figured I'd play one game - maybe 15-20 minutes top, right?

Don't freak out - that's in-game time, so in real life, it was only 45 minutes.

But still - 45 minutes?!?!

Now that's not to say I was completely dominating or anything - let's be clear, we were both terrible. But terrible in the worst way - fairly stalemated armies (defensive broodlords vs gateway units w/ no blink) and we were both terrible about expanding to a third - so no resources.

And we were fairly good about keeping it that way - I had map control, killing two (three?) of his attempts at a third base, but while I was off doing that, he rolled a baneling ball into my third killing almost all (if not all) of my probes.

Finally, he decided for a base race, sending most of his broodlords to my main. I tried holding him off, but it was clear his main and expansion weren't heavily defended anymore - so I obliged to the race and won (I had a third and forth expansion at that point).

But yeah, you never know what to expect in the ladder - master league players surrendering immediately or bronze players sticking it out to the last building - one of the reasons I love this game :)

(ok, guess that wasn't so short after all!)

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