Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Monday, May 21, 2012

And the Winner is...

After much delay, I am proud to share with the StarCraft world that my third child will be...

He is at 19 weeks in this picture - you can see his left forearm (on the left) and that blur above his head is his right hand - clearly some serious APM going on there ;-)

And as I promised on my last blog post, since he's a boy, I will be playing Zerg for Season 7 and going for a third hatchery (base) in EVERY game!

So shortly (maybe next week?) I'll be looking at this screen and getting ready to hit the Find Match button!

I haven't played Zerg on the ladder since December 19, 2011 - so I'm a bit rusty with Zerg, rustier than the normal rusty I am with Terran ;-)

My son and I have been playing a few Zerg games against a Hard computer AI (my son on his "play" keyboard and me standing behind him using a wireless mouse on a bookshelf) and from the results, I can tell that this will be an interesting season to be sure!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes I am! Thanks for asking :) I just posted a video about what's going on - getting back into blogging, casting, and now... tweeting!


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