Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Monday, August 27, 2012

GosuDad is Back!

After a long break from posting, and an even longer break from casting videos, I am back!

For those that don't like watching videos, here's a summary of what's going on:

  1. I am back to blogging and casting!
  2. I have a bunch of casting coming up:
    • Two showmatches - one against RaZe, one against Aaron from the QuailGang casting trio.
    • My first 2v2 cast - sent by Ethereal511
    • 10 games from Season 6 of the online ladder - my final games as Terran!
    • 4 games from Season 7 - my first games as Zerg!
    • Games from Season 8 - continuing to play as Zerg
    • Games from Season 5 of the Collegiate StarLeague - capturing some Colorado e-Sports history!
  3. Lots of shout-outs to my YouTube subscribers, blog readers, my wife and kids, and a random kid I met at Benihana's
  4. I am now tweeting on Twitter as GosuDad!

So there you have it, I'm not dead - but rather getting back into grassroots e-Sports :)

And yes, this is the 2nd time that I have refuted rumors of my death - the guys at QuailGang were concerned about me earlier this spring!


  1. Omg finally u r back!!! Lots of empty visits were done...

    1. Hi! Thanks for the comment and thanks also for continuing to check on me despite my lack of posting! And yes, I am definitely back!

      Btw, it's nice to finally have a screen name to go with all those hits from Spain :)

      (I was worried I may have lost my readers in Mexico, so was very glad to see a few hits from there today.)

      I also saw that you're a YouTube user - so you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel (or follow me on Twitter) if you're looking for the cutting edge of my content or status, as I suspect the blog will always lag behind those two websites/services.

  2. Im not into subscriptions, i manually check stuff! But i follow u on twitter!

    1. Thanks! I now have 2 followers! I understand the subscription thing - at first, I manually downloaded podcast episodes - until I finally gave in and tried iTunes... But I definitely appreciate the views/hits from you checking manually ;-)


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