Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Season 2 Retrospective

At my job as a software engineer, our team holds a "retro" at the end of each major release, and we discuss what things went well and what things need improvement.

Season 2 ended a few weeks ago, and I've had some time to reflect on how things went. (and put together some cute HTML tables :)

After QualifierFinal Standing
Rank Points0278
Bonus Pool7801067

MatchupWinsLossesTotalWin Rate

Opponent's LeagueWinsLossesTotalWin Rate

MapWinsLossesTotalWin Rate
Delta Quadrant31475%
Tal'darim Altar LE202100%
Xel'Naga Caverns22450%
Slag Pits11250%
Scrap Station12333%
Shakuras Plateau12333%
Typhon Peaks13425%
Green text = map was new for Season 2
Red background = map is removed for Season 3

So some interesting results!

Apparently, I'm very good at TvZ - except for my qualifier, I won every game. When playing, I felt like TvT was my most even match, and I was beside myself with how to handle Protoss (TvP). I felt like I was getting better at TvT the more I played - and I was pretty jazzed after that last game, winning against a Gold league Terran! But yeah, TvP is a challenge for me.

The league breakdown confirms my feeling that I'm mid/lower Silver. The goal of the match-making system is to get you a 50% win rate, and it looks like I'm there.

I did find it sad that the two maps I did the best on are being removed for Season 3. I will miss Metalopolis, it's a great map. But it's been a staple map since the Beta, so it was only a matter of time before it got cycled out. I'm really looking forward to the new Season 3 maps, and playing more on Typhon Peaks and especially Tal'darim Altar LE - both bigger maps.

One thing that really stood out for me is that I really should play more games - 26 is not a very large sample set! I also thought it was a shame that I wasn't able to play more 2v2 or 3v3 with the handful of my friends that play SC2. Now that I'm getting the hang of blogging, casting, and posting on YouTube, I should be able to spend more time playing and less time in production!

Well, I think that's it for Season 2!

Good Game and Well Played :)

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