Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Qualifier Surprises

Last night, I played a few games vs Very Hard computer opponents for warm up. This morning, I woke up, played my 1v1 qualifier and casted it, all before leaving for work - and making it on time :)

It was a surprising game. During the game I felt (as usual?) that it was a super tight game - at every moment, I felt like I was seconds away from my base being overrun. And if you watch the cast, you can see that the feeling was not unwarranted!

And with that, I qualified into Silver league!

Interestingly, according to the score screen, I was ranked 20th in my division upon qualifying. But when I looked at my rank on the Multi-Player screen a few minutes later, I was ranked 22.

Perhaps I was placed into a new division, and by the time I looked at the Multi-player tab, 2 more people had qualified and were ranked higher. I'll likely be ranked much lower when I log in next time. Zero rank points will do that ;-)

Update 11/1/2011: I updated the video to point to my new YouTube channel.


  1. I should have noted this earlier, but Q... I don't think you really need to refer to CuePhoenix in the third person. It's not really a surprise that it's you and it would allow you to simply honestly rate your own performance.
    "Here I messed up and should have...", "At this point I made the right decision to...", "I tried a new strategy and here's how it worked out."
    It's not like your lying by casting as though you are not either party, but I personally think you would be able to bring more to the table by it being a personal retrospective on matches you played.

  2. Thanks for the feedback!

    There are different styles of casting, and the sportscasting style that I've been doing recently is only one of them.

    I chose to do that style as I felt it was a better reflection of the e-Sports aspect of the game - and that it can be exciting to watch even lower league players play.

    I also felt it allowed me to spread the attention to both players, and to show excitement for both, rather than just focusing on my own play.

    I do have plans to do some replay analysis, where we dive into the details of a game, and come out with some lessons learned.

    Sounds like those would be right up your alley, as well as some of the more advanced StarClass topics I have planned :-)


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