Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Baby Boy!

Yes, as you might have guessed, I have someone new to the StarCraft scene to introduce to you!

Please give a warm welcome to my new son Caleb! He was born on Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 1:33pm! He weighed 8 pounds and 5 ounces and was 21 inches long!

[Sept 29] Baby Caleb warming up under a heat lamp thingy after getting cleaned up.

The delivery went very well, and he and his mom are doing great - we've been home since Sunday and are settling into our newborn baby lifestyle!

[Sept 30] A very proud StarCraft dad with his new baby boy. Caleb and I got to show our Zerg pride the evening after his birth and the next day. I got lots of smiles from the maternity staff - guessing it was due to my beaming grin rather than my choice of t-shirt :)

When my first son, Isaac, was born, I brought a netbook which somehow happened to have the StarCraft 1 BattleChest installed - I have no idea how that happened... ;-) So we actually played our first StarCraft game together at the hospital (I picked random race and got Zerg!).

This time, I didn't have a netbook, but I did have an iPhone! So I found a StarCraft 2 memory game in the iOS AppStore, and Caleb and I played a bit of that and read about some Zerg build orders on TeamLiquid.net. (We also played some Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies which I bought while at the hospital.)

[Sept 30] Yes, I know Anakin's creepy later on - but in Episode I, he was a cute, innocent kid.

Caleb also got his first Star Wars action figure at the hospital, just like his older brother - who got a Luke Skywalker in Endor camouflage!

Admittedly, for Isaac, it was hopeful thinking on my part as we didn't know whether he was going to be a boy or girl - so it was different this time knowing that a boy would be coming.

And yes, I know there are cooler Star Wars characters than kid padawan Anakin - but I had already decided to give Isaac Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi for his upcoming birthday (I forgot to get him an action figure on his 1st birthday!) - and thought little Anakin was a good fit for the occasion.

[Sept 30] Isn't this adorable? He's my little guy! (I'm referring to the baby, not the space marine - although he's kinda cute too.)

Of course, no newborn photo-taking would be complete without some StarCraft product placement ;-) That's a StarCraft 2 space marine bottle cap figurine I got from the BlizzCon 2011 online sale. I thought about bringing my Hydralisk figurine, but felt it was too scary-looking for a baby boy - I hadn't taken a good look at it until now. A space marine seemed more appropriate! But don't worry - I will still be playing Zerg on the online ladder with Caleb!

As you might suspect, we have a lot more uber-cute pictures of baby Caleb - but I'll save those for the family blog :)

For those of you dying for more StarCraft on this blog, I will be posting an update about the state of this blog and the channel soon - where it's going and what's coming up.

I do have a new night life now (I have the graveyard shift, so lots of late night time with Caleb), so it'll be interesting to see what content I can produce with him on the blog and channel!

(And yes, for those of you long-time blog readers, this is the first time I've shown my face on this blog - it was such a nice photo and a special father-son event, I couldn't resist!)


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