We've been busy getting his room and our home ready for his arrival, packing our bags and gearing ourselves up for the sleepless nights - and waiting.
These last two weeks have been a lot of anxious waiting as my first son came super fast at 39 weeks (total labor was just over 2 hours - and our hospital is a 45-minute drive away!) - so I was half-expecting things to start moving at any moment!
But it looks like this little guy is taking his time! So instead of speeding down the interstate at midnight (like we did for my first son), we're staying overnight in a nearby hotel - much to my wife's relief!
I may even get to blog some tonight ;-)
Here's a little montage of his latest ultrasound pictures, from when we found out he was a boy to the last ultrasound we did 2 weeks ago. It can be hard to see him - especially in the later ones, he was running out of space in there!
19 Weeks: He's a boy! (the profile of his head is on the left)
25 Weeks (his face is on the right, laying down, looking at us - I think this is his best ultrasound picture!)
29 Weeks (his face is on the right, on his back looking up)
33 Weeks (arrows point to his nose and lips - he's looking straight at us, his eyes in the shadows)
37 Weeks (on his back looking up, his lips on the left - he's nestled in there pretty tight!)
I'm super-excited to meet him face-to-face and look forward to spending lots of time with him - and of course, playing some mouse-only 4v4 with him on the Blizzard ladder in the middle of the night!
His big brother and I got into Silver League in about a month (almost 2 years ago!), and I've not played any 4v4 since then, so I get to start from scratch and play all 5 qualifier games again with this little guy!
Ok, time to get rolling, say goodbye to my co-workers, and start my long, sleepless weekend!
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