And of course, the bullet points (with a few extras for the blog readers!):
Using a 6-Pool:
- Know your maps! - While the map is loading, look at the starting locations and decide the order in which you'll scout them and get a feel for the rush distances. Better yet, play some test games vs Easy AI to time rush distances between starting locations on the different 1v1 ladder maps.
- Use your overlord! - Use your overlord to scout one of the positions - this is one less location for your scouting drone to investigate.
- Micro the first group - The first group of zerglings is crucial, it's your rush advantage - don't waste it! If there's a defense at the opponent's base, pull back your zerglings. Better to have them heal and contribute to the next wave than be killed.
- Bring a drone - In ZvZ, you can use this drone to build a spinecrawler in the opponent's base - major cheese here! In all match-ups, the default AI for army units will attack workers first - so your drone can draw fire away from your zerglings.
- Macro behind aggression - Be prepared for your rush to fail. Don't forget to train drones and overlords. Good players can transition out of a rush into a more balanced strategy.
- Know your maps! - Most 1v1 maps have a variety of long and short rush distances. While the map is loading, look for the closer starting positions - scout those first.
- Don't panic. - Once you've seen an early pool, don't panic. Depending on how far along the pool is and the rush distance, you'll have time to train defending units. And remember, if you survive the rush, you'll likely be in a better economic state than your opponent.
- Remember the Defender's Advantage - As the defending player, you are at an advantage. Both time-wise and unit-wise, you have the advantage in your base.
- Don't waste defensive units! - It may be tempting to sacrifice some army units to stall the first attack - don't do it. Those units are much more effective when backed up by reinforcements or the workers at your base.
- Use your workers! - I can't stress this enough. In a rush scenario, your workers represent a sizable portion of your defense (possibly your only defense!). Don't underestimate their attack capability! They can turn the odds in your favor - and well controlled, can fend off 6 zerglings by themselves.
- ZvZ: Do a 10-Pool - If playing as Zerg, you can safely build 10 drones before your Spawning Pool - ok maybe less if the rush distances are close. But don't forget - as soon as the Pool finishes, you'll need to make defenses - don't get supply-blocked or caught training drones when you need zerglings!
- ZvZ: Build a spine crawler before a queen. - The spinecrawler has more hit points and does more damage than a queen, and builds in the same time. It also doesn't cost supply. Use your workers or zerglings to protect it while it's building - it can turn the tide of a battle.
As you can tell, there's so much more we could discuss about this strategy or rushing in general - but that's enough for today :) Have fun and good luck with doing your own 6-Pool... or defending against one!
Update 11/1/2011: I updated the video to point at my new YouTube channel.
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