Welcome to my StarCraft blog! Here you can find casual and family-friendly posts and videos about my experiences and thoughts regarding the captivating world of competitive StarCraft 2 - as well as my adventures as a gamer dad!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Finally, A Protoss Videocast!

After doing a bunch of posts for StarClass, I got back to playing some 1v1 ladder. I had a 5-game losing streak, but my first game broke it - and I got my first TvT win this season.

My next game was against Protoss, and I was 0-4 vs Protoss this season. So, I got to test a theory I had for playing against Protoss - use Ghosts.

I had tried this before, and 419fish (who plays Protoss) recommended it. But for whatever reason, I hadn't used them at all this season. Watch the cast to see how it went!

It didn't quite go as I expected when I started, or even at the first attack, but it works :)

Update 11/1/2011: I updated the video to point to my new YouTube channel.


  1. Very nicely played! I rather enjoyed the base swap strategy. ;)

  2. Thanks! As soon as I saw the red blob at my front door, I knew I had to move my army in. Either he would have to pull back to defend - which would take a long time with the zealots and immortals being so slow - or he would be forced into a base trade (or is that base race? my brain is slow in the morning!). And Terran's lift off capability comes in real handy in that situation! Now in the 2nd battle, had no idea I had 2 emps - so didn't realize just how strong that little group was. Ghosts rock.


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